Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Updates on Pet Food

We received confirmation from the Food Standards Agency that only Category 3 animal by-products may be used in pet food.  Category 3 ABPs are the lowest risk category. 

Category 3 material
Category 3 material comprises the following animal by-products:
parts of slaughtered animals which are fit for human consumption but are not intended for human consumption for commercial reasons;
parts of slaughtered animals which are rejected as unfit for human consumption but are not affected by any sign of a communicable disease;
hides and skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers originating from animals that are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse and were declared fit for human consumption after undergoing an ante mortem inspection;
blood obtained from animals declared fit for human consumption after undergoing an ante mortem inspection, other than ruminants slaughtered in a slaughterhouse;
animal by-products derived from the production of products intended for human consumption, including degreased bones and greaves;
former foodstuffs of animal origin, other than catering waste, which are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to problems of manufacturing or packaging defects;
raw milk originating from animals that do not show any signs of a communicable disease;
fish or other sea animals, except sea mammals, caught in the open sea for the purpose of fishmeal production, and fresh by-products from fish from plants manufacturing fish products for human consumption;
shells of eggs originating from animals that do not show any signs of a communicable disease;
blood, hides and skins, hooves, feathers, wool, horns, hair and fur originating from healthy animals;
catering waste other than category 1.

Catering waste
Category 1 catering waste is defined as catering waste from means of transport operating internationally.

A DEFRA leaflet PB11268 lists pet food plants (among others) as possible recipients for the disposal of uncooked meat, fish and eggs.

It is reassuring to know that road-kill and euthanased pets from shelters are NOT included in this list, contrary to many people’s understanding.  However, we understand that packs of hunting dogs and zoo animals have a different set of feeding standards, as will horses and rabbits who are not considered “pets” because they are sometimes used for human consumption.

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