Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Thank you to.....

Everybody who has taken the time to complete the survey. We have had a decent response but would really like some more completed. So if anyone knows anybody that 1) has a dog or dogs and 2) has access to a computer, please ask them to complete it.

Special thanks to Rob & Catherine at Canine Health Concern and Gillian at German Shepherd Rescue Scotland, for putting the link up on to their websites and circulating it amongst many people. Much appreciated.

Once we have more completed questionnaires we will commence assembling the information and see what trends are emerging and publish the findings on the blog.

Will you take part in our survey? (Please!)

We have compiled a survey that we would like dog owners to complete.

We are interested to hear what owners are feeding their dogs and any health issues that their dogs are having.

It will only take a few minutes of your time to complete.

Once we have sufficient replies, we will correlate the information and publish the results on this blog.

http://kwiksurveys.com/?s=LIMNIL_d1108851 No longer valid - see new link above

Thank You

Something nice from 'How to Speak Dog' by Stanley Coren

A lovely extract from the book, interpreting the breathing of his dogs and what it says to him -

'I am here for you', the dog's breath said. 'We will face this life together. There is no beast or intruder that can steal up on you undetected because I am here, and I will be your eyes and ears. No harm will come to you because I am at your side to warn you, and to defend you if need be'.
'We will hunt together tomorrow. We will herd together tomorrow. We will share the sunshine tomorrow. We will explore this world together. We will play together, even though neither of us is any longer a child'.
'If luck turns bad, then when you grieve, I will comfort you. You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath'

Listen to your own dog at night and get the peace that his or her rhythmic breathing brings to you.....